St Andrew's Primary School

Believe. Inspire. Achieve.
Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School

British Values at St Andrew's

At St Andrew's we recognise the diverse world that our children will grow up in and as such we ensure that the development of British Values is embedded in daily life in our school. 

This work is interwoven with our TERRIFIC Christian values in the following ways.

We encourage respect for democracy and how the democratic process in Great Britain impacts on how laws are made and applied. 

Our Year 5 and 6 Circle of Friends enable every child in our school from Year 1 to Year 6 to have a say in how our school is run and to share ideas to improve our school. Children are able to work together to decide class rules and these are regularly reviewed during the year. Pupil Voice is respected by our Governing Body, Parent Forum and staff team.  As a result children are able to share in decisions and present their views. 

We help our children to distinguish between right and wrong and to respect the law of this country

Our TERRIFIC values underpin behaviour expectations at St Andrew's. Children are taught the importance of treating everyone in our community with respect and to value truth and honesty. Collective Worship and work throughout the day reinforces this message with children, as does the way that adults support our behaviour expectations.  Our children are taught to value and respect the laws that govern us and the consequences should those laws be broken.  We encourage children to apply this knowledge at all times, including when they are not in school.

We help children to understand that they have rights and personal freedom and how they can exercise these  

At St Andrew's we allow children to make choices in a safe and supportive environment.  We help them to understand that everyone in our school has rights and how to exercise these rights and their personal freedoms safely.  This is achieved through our Collective Worship, through our modelling of successful interactions between children and adults and also within the curriculum, for example within PSHE and Science lessons and through e-safety teaching.  Children have opportunities to make choices within their learning and how they participate in extra-curricular opportunities within school. 

We encourage our children to show mutual respect for themselves and for others 

Our school community actively promotes respect for others demonstrated in daily interactions, supported through our Collective Worship and within our curriculum.  Children learn to respect others' opinions and their rights to be safe, to be treated fairly and to learn. Our Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policies reflect this. 

We teach our children to respect those from other cultures and who have different beliefs 

As a Christian community, our children learn that every individual is unique and valued.  We welcome children and families from all cultures and beliefs and through our Religious Education curriculum help children to understand other faiths and the practices of other cultures.