Our Prayer Space
We have started to create a prayer space for children and adults to use in school. This space is open for children and staff to use for spiritual reflection.
It is also a space for children to reflect on, and - if they want to - pray about their identity, their relationships with others and issues of injustice around the world.
Each class will have a day each month to explore and reflect on the new activity. We will record each months activity in our Prayer Space school book.
End of the Day Prayers
At the end of each day we say an end of the day prayer to bring us together in a moment of reflection before moving into the evening at home.
Collective Worship
In our school, Collective Worship underpins all that we do, prepares us for the day ahead and allows for a time of community, quiet, reflection and prayer. During the current pandemic, we are unable to meet together but daily acts of worship, led by school staff and clergy, are streamed into our classrooms.
Daily Act of Worship:
Our daily act of worship is contained within our morning assemblies.
Monday 9am - Whole school worship led by Mrs Henson to introduce the value of the week
Tuesday 9am - Whole school worship led by the Epping Ministry Team
Wednesday 9am - Whole school worship led by class teachers using Picture News
Thursday 9am - Whole school worship led by SLT - reinforcing the value
Friday 9am - Whole school celebration assembly led by Mrs Henson - We are pleased to invite parents into these assemblies to share and celebrate our children's work with you. Please join us entering through the hall doors.
Acts of worship are carefully planned around Christian Festivals and are an opportunity to help children learn about and acquire our Christian values in a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment. Every act of worship contains music, song and prayer and a quiet opportunity for reflection.
During the Autumn term, our EYFS children in Apple and Cherry class do not join us in assembly but they do still have shorter class assembly times in class where that weeks value is discussed and taught. Reverend Jamiee Summers visits these classes regularly to ensure they have the chance to join in the collective worship themes from that weeks assembly led by the Epping Ministry team.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from daily acts of worship. We would encourage you to discuss this with Mrs Henson, our Headteacher.
School Eucharist
Once each half term we celebrate the Eucharist in school: to celebrate the start of the year, the life of St Andrew in November, Ash Wednesday, Easter, Ascension day and to mark the end of our school year.
Led by a member of the clergy, this a joyful occasion where children take an active part in readings, singing, prayers and drama. Children and adults are invited to take Holy Communion or have a blessing. Our Worship Council take a lead role as Eucharist servers and parents are made very welcome at this special act of worship.