St Andrew's Primary School

Believe. Inspire. Achieve.
Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School

Guidance on Your Child's Attendance

At St Andrew's School we recognise that good attendance has a significant impact on your child's progress and we value parents' support with this.  We encourage every child to strive for good attendance and recognise this in many ways:

  • Weekly attendance award for the class with the best attendance
  • Certificates each term for every child who has achieved our school attendance target

What do I do if my child is unwell? 

Young children often become ill with coughs and colds. Most of the time they are fine to be in school but occasionally they may be too ill to manage a day at school.  If this is the case, or if you are unsure, please telephone the office (01992522283) from 8am to talk to someone.  It is essential that we know your child won't be coming to school. Please report your child's absence on Parentmail, our Absence reporting line or by email to

If your child has been sick or has diarrhea, you should keep them at home for 48 hours after the last time they were sick or had diarrhea.  This is to ensure the bug isn't passed to other children. 

Term Time Holidays 

Following recent Government legislation, Headteachers can only authorise term time holidays in exceptional circumstances. All applications must be submitted at least four weeks in advance and a form is available on the link below. 

Application Form for leave in term time


Government guidance on attendance

St Andrew's Attendance Policy

St Andrew's Attendance Leaflet for Parents 

Guide to childhood illnesses