St Andrew's Primary School

Believe. Inspire. Achieve.
Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School

Sports Premium

The Government has allocated funding to schools to improve sports provision, encouraging an increase in participation that is sustainable. 

Up to the end of 2019, we have used this funding to provide the following for our children: 

  • Employing a specialist coach to support play activities at lunchtime
  • Employing a specialist coach to develop teachers' skills in teaching gymnastics and dance
  • Supporting the cost to parents for before and after school sports clubs
  • Buying netball posts to enable our school to host an inter schools rally and to enable more children to attend netball club
  • Employing support staff to facilitate additional netball participation and to support SEND children to participate in clubs 
  • Pay our subscription to our local sports partnership
  • Provide an all weather container to store outdoor PE equipment
  • Provide a before school club to support children who are reluctant to participate in school sport 
  • Support installing outdoor climbing equipment for our Key Stage 2 children. 
The impact of our plans are carefully monitored by the Governing Body.  

Impact Summary 2021-22 

Impact summary 2022-23

Impact summary 2023-24