St Andrew's Primary School

Believe. Inspire. Achieve.
Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School Life at St Andrew's Primary School

Worship Leaders

Each year we select a child from each class to be part of our worship leader team. All children have the chance to apply for the position and make their application to Mrs Henson in September. The children selected are key to supporting our collective worship in school and when we visit St Andrew’s Church. They support daily with the ‘gather’ and ‘sending’ elements of collective worship; setting up the hall and preparing the alter and music ready for worship.

The worship leaders also meet with Mrs Henson regularly to discuss and evaluate how we can improve collective worship. They evaluate and reflect back on recent collective worship, so we can recognise what is working well and areas for improvement. They are also the children who will help us implement new or changing elements to collective worship.


School Eucharist

We hold a Eucharist in our school every half term. We are lucky to be supported by the Epping Team Ministry with this. Our school Eucharist’s are a special type of collective worship that reflect the services which happen in our local churches. We link them to special times of the year, such as Harvest, St Andrew’s day, Christmas, Easter and Ascension Day. We also link our school Eucharists to our school values. All adults and children in our school family come together for these special services. Children and adults are invited to have a blessing from our local clergy team, if they wish to, and some children and adults choose to take Holy Communion bread. We have special prayers we say together and songs that we sing.

During school Eucharist the worship leaders take a main role. They are the serving team and these are some of the things they d




“I’m taking on the role of the crucifer. I carry the processional crucifix into assembly and hold it behind the reader when the Bible readings are being said”



 “We take the role of the acolytes. We hold the processional candles during the procession at the start and end of the Eucharist. We also stand either side of the reader during the Bible reading. The light symbolises God, the light of the world, is with us during the special service”



 “We are the intercessors. We lead the school prayer, Lord’s Prayer and other prayers in the Eucharist.”



 “I am the reader. I read the Bible reading that has been chosen for that day. The crucifier and the acolytes stand around we as I am reading.”



 “We are servers. One of us holds the Bible during the precession. One of us helps the reverend with holding and serving the bread. One of us rings the bell during the Eucharist when the reverend is blessing the bread and wine.”